Watch your Watchman

Watch your Watchman by Shailee Sheth

Once I was sitting in my gallery, and thinking about life. (I do that often, as generally I have nothing else to do! 😉 Haha) But yes, it is the best time when I get plenty of ideas to write upon (In which, hardly 1 or 2 I consider – because of my supremely active laziness) So yes, back to the point, I was in my gallery and at the same time I saw my building’s watchman, who was sitting quietly. Then I saw my saamne vaali colony’s watchman, who was sitting quietly at his ‘territory’.  These people hardly get some time to talk with each other. Why? Because they are busy doing their own duties, which are very boring as it takes their 1/10th time if we sum up the whole day and otherwise they are just free, but cannot leave that chair!!! Yes, our management pays them for doing such stuff, which can help them to earn 2 waqt ki roti, but have you ever think what the value addition is? Can they grow? Mentally, emotionally, intellectually by doing these activities everyday and every year? NO.

Second Scenario

We people always want to do something for society. If we go out; there is a lot to do, a lot to give, a lot of people need us or our help! But as we always say, we don’t have that much time. Agree. So some of the people give charity, and some people ‘just think’!!! Agreed? Now, if you personally want to do something for society – START FROM YOUR OWN SOCIETY! 🙂 I am giving you one simplest idea. No money, just some personal involvement of ONLY 10 minutes a week!!! It’s very simple. Go and help your watchman kaka grow! <3

For Example – You can give your extra magazines, books to them; once he finishes it, give another one! Or you can give him his hobby kits! Or You can find some extra activity (like packaging) and keep your watchman uncle busy in his free time during his duty. 😀 This activity can help him to earn a small amount of money, and that busy businessman can get a man who can help him in packaging. You can be a bridge between them! Use your contacts buddy!

Sorry, I don’t have plenty of ideas regarding this, but I really hope you people will find and guide me after experimenting it. I know you like that man on the gate; you can be a contributor in his growth and can make him more worthy! BE THAT CHANGE…

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