Be*YOU*tiful! – Be the Real You and Change the World :)

Be*YOU*tiful! – Be the Real You and Change the World 🙂

For beautiful eyes, look good in others…

For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness…

And for legs – walk with the knowledge that you are NEVER alone…

Audrey Hepburn

To really be beautiful, all that you have to be is the truest form of yourself at all the times. When someone is really able to live life as their true self-things, negativity and haters cannot disturb their flow.

People who see life in the most beautiful ways, speak words of life into themselves and everyone that they come into contact with, never leaving a bad impression, and never knowing a stranger.

Those who are truly walk strong with courage and humble confidence, they should always remember that they are not alone. Be who you are, not who others want you to be. Not your negative thoughts tell you to be. Be the great person that you have on the inside of you. YOU WILL BE LOVED…!!!


Inside Feelings – The Powerhouse of Burning Desires

Inside Feelings – The Powerhouse of Burning Desires

Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.

– Joseph Campbell

I was never scared to express my feelings! Never ever! I always believed in “sidhi baat, no bakvas”! I was very straightforward and tell everything on the face! But when I grow up and able to understand the mentalities and situational changes of people, I felt that people just want to listen what ‘they want to listen’. What that one person wants to ‘say’ doesn’t matter! But what about feelings? Feelings are JUST yours; as a whole!

Never be ashamed of what you feel.

You have the right to feel any emotion that you want, and to do what makes you happy! The things in life that burn inside of us are going to lead us to our destiny and to the places of fulfillment we would never reach if we never used our hearts.

Ultimately there comes a point in everyone’s life where they must decide if the things that they are doing in their lives deep down are what they really want to do? If we find THAT something we are doing brings out the passion inside us, and leaves us fulfilled at the end of the day, chances are – it is something that we should probably continue to do that!


I Love You, My Lady! – Photo Story of Animal Love

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Captured by: Shailee Sheth

Place: Siddhpur, Gujarat

I still remember this scenario… 😀

In this picture, the female monkey is pregnant… and the male monkey!!! Omg, She just loves his lady like anything.

How can I say that he loves her? Let me tell you the story!

I was capturing this female monkey’s pictures, as I never saw any pregnant monkey before. After some time, this another monkey came, and first, he kissed her – you can see that in this picture – and after that, he was constantly pampering her. Kissing her on the head, forehead, face, lips, and tummy! Trying to clean her up and reducing bugs from her head! And at last, he also fed her!

I was so touched after watching them! Animals are surely more loyal and lovable than humans!

Innocence… :)

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Captured by: Shailee Sheth

Place: Kutch, Gujarat

Only a child sees things with perfect clarity because it hasn’t developed all those filters which prevent us from seeing things that we don’t expect to see…

This little girl belongs to ‘Banjara‘ community in Kutch, Gujarat. When her elders were busy with selling the puppets, she was busy with chips and chirps. She was playing with her only packet of chips and continuously observing people around her and showing them her sparkling green and red bangles!

She is an innocent beauty!